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Monday, May 18, 2009

Export and import the schema into the same database with different name

Oracle 10.2.0
Exported "N" schema in the database "BL".
"N" Schema details.
* Schema's default tablespace is "N_data".
* Schema has its indexes in "N_index" tablespace.
* Schema has LOB objects. And its size around 8 GB.
> Exp N/Passwd file='e:\n_exp.dmp' owner=N statistics=none buffer=314572800
exported sucessfully without warnings.
Import steps :
* Try to create a user named "NV" and created a new tablespace "NV_data" and assigned as the default tablespace.
* Created the tablespace named "NV_index" for indexes and assigned Unlimited tablespace quota to user "NV".
* Granted the same roles(Connect,resource,DBA) to the newly created user.
* Tried to import
> Imp Nv/passwd file='e:\n_exp.dmp' fromuser=n touser=nv statistics=none buffer=314572800

Objects imported into the NV user, but it used 'N_data' tablespace to create the objects.
And i tried to revoke the unlimited tablespace privilege from the user "NV".
And granted unlimited tablespace privilege on the tablespace "NV_data" to "NV" user.
Import completed sucessfully. But the index was only created in the "NV_data" tablespace later i moved the indexes to Nv_index" tablespace.

Refer :


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